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CHRIBA Insights
Information seeking is part of the travel purchase process and tends to precede actual purchases and visits. As travelers increasingly rely on digital sources, tracking travelers’ information seeking may reduce unexplained variations in demand forecasting. This study intends to verify whether Google Trends, as a proxy variable for information seeking behavior, can play a role in demand forecasting. This study defines travel and tourism (T&T) demand in three ways: the number of arrivals, occupancy rate (OCC), and average daily rate (ADR). This study is expected to contribute to the hotel industry in that Google Trends is an effective preceding variable for T&T demand and OCC and ADR are predictable if customer behavior during the purchase process is better understood.

October 13, 2022

Are Google Trends Effective for Estimating Hotel Demands? Towards A Supplementary Tool for Revenue Managers

Prepared for the 28th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism

October 20, 2022

Customer Review-based Restaurant Assessment - Greater Lafayette)

[CHRIBA Insights Vol. 1 No. 1] Restaurant Experience Survey: Evaluation of Restaurant Attributes in West Lafayette, Indiana

The CHRIBA research team has recently published its inaugural research project. As a community service, this project seeks to offer local restaurant managers in West Lafayette, Indiana, a more comprehensive understanding of their primary customers' perception and, by extension, the overall needs of the local market.

March 31, 2023

[CHRIBA Insights Vol. 1 No. 1] Restaurant Experience Survey: Evaluation of Restaurant Attributes in West Lafayette, Indiana

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